Acupuncture & Herbs

Acupuncture, Herbs and Asian Medicine Acupuncture and Asian medicine is a comprehensive system of health care with a continuous tested tradition that has spanned more than 3000 years. In developing an understanding of the prevention and cure of disease, the ancient Chinese physicians discovered through rigorous observation a system of cyclic energy flowing in the Continue reading →

Jill Likkel

Jill A. Likkel, M.Ac., L.Ac., EAMP Jill Likkel graduated from the Northwest Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine with a Masters in Acupuncture and a Certificate of Chinese Herbal Studies. She is licensed in acupuncture through Washington State Department of Health and has been nationally certified in both acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medicine through the National Certification Continue reading →


Bellingham Bay Acupuncture P.S. Jill A. Likkel, MAc, LAc, EAMP, Acupuncturist and Herbalist Specializing in Digestive and Skin Disorders, Pain Management, Facial Rejuvenation and Cosmetic Acupuncture The body inherently has its own wisdom and ability to heal, yet life’s challenges can cause imbalance. Sometimes that can lead to disease states. Jill uses a holistic approach and Continue reading →